
We welcome you to the website of St. Mary's Parish Community in Lucan Co. Dublin Ireland. We're glad you've dropped by and hope you will find something of interest here. St. Mary's church was built in the 1830's and has served the growing population of Lucan since that time. In the 1990's the building was revamped to cater for the growing population. It is well attended with 1,500 people at weekend Masses. You are always welcome to join us.

Mass Times

St Mary's, Lucan

Saturday (Vigil):

10:30am (Family Mass)
12:00 noon & 7:00pm

Weekdays (Mon - Sat):
10:00 am

Holy Days:
As advertised

After 10:00 am Mass on Thursday and Saturday & after 6:30 pm Evening Mass.
At other times on request.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
After Saturday 10:00 am Mass

Divine Mercy Devotions:
Following on from Wednesday 10:00 am Mass.
(Unless there is a Funeral at this Mass)

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LENT 2025

Throughout the Season of Lent there will be an additional Mass each day Mon-Fri at 7.30pm in St.Mary’s.

On Monday March 31st, we welcome Dr. Jessie Rogers, Dean of Theology at St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth. After the evening Mass on that day Dr. Rogers will give a talk on the readings of the Lenten season, in the parish centre. All are welcome.


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“I can’t do words but I can draw.”

Sister Joyce Rupp's January Reflection

View Reflection

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